Mass effect 3 grunt lives
Mass effect 3 grunt lives

mass effect 3 grunt lives

If he survives: Thane will appear during the main storyline and will save the salarian councilor, though he will be wounded in the process.Jack's name will appear on the memorial wall on the Normandy as "Jacqueline Nought". If you had a romance with her, it will end. Without Jack, Prangeley will die during the events at the Academy. If she dies: Jack's role in Mass Effect 3 will be taken by Jason Prangley.If you romanced her in Mass Effect 2, you can continue your romance in Mass Effect 3. During the events at the Academy, everyone can survive if Jack is present. If she survives: Jack appears in a small role in Mass Effect 3 during the Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation mission and later on in the Citadel.If he dies: Mordin's role will be fulfilled by another salarian. Mordin's name will appear on the memorial wall on the Normandy.If he survives: Mordin will have a small role during Priority: Sur'Kesh.If you had a romance with her, it will end. Instead, Shepard must choose between the two races. Whichever race you do not choose will become extinct and you will only obtain one War Asset. If she dies: Tali's role is taken by Admiral Daro'Xen vas Moreh instead and Shepard is unable to broker peace between the quarians and the geth.Tali is crucial in brokering peace between the geth and the quarians during Priority: Rannoch, providing that your Paragon/Renegade points are high enough.

mass effect 3 grunt lives

Tali will return as a squad member and can be romanced once more as long as she was romanced in Mass Effect 2. If she survives: Depending on whether or not she was exiled, Tali will either be an admiral or supporting the quarians from the shadows.If he dies: Garrus's name will appear on the memorial wall on the Normandy. If you had a romance with him, it will end.If he survives: Garrus will return as a squad member in Mass Effect 3 after you meet him on Menae and he can be romanced once again, but only if you romanced him in Mass Effect 2.If Shepard does not survive, you cannot import your Mass Effect 2 save file into Mass Effect 3.

mass effect 3 grunt lives

At least two squadmates need to survive the Suicide Mission in order for Shepard to survive.

Mass effect 3 grunt lives